
Quiz #4 - Report

Vik Muniz is an artist who uses unlikely materials for his photographic displays. He has used such materials as sugar, chocolate syrup and even garbage to create his works. He uses these materials to create images that he draws from art history and then they are photographed and prepared for art galleries and exhibitions. He likes to challenge the viewer to really think about what they are seeing.

He is almost seen as an illusionist in the way he portrays his work but in reality he wants the viewer to think about their own beliefs and values. The materials in his works are usually found in the subjects environment and really speaks about how we use these materials in our daily lives and what influence these can really have. I believe Muniz is an artist who carefully considers the materials he uses and how he uses them, and also what kind of message do these materials relay on people and how they can help people see things in a new or different way.

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