

Photos of my final project.


Some of the sounds I used came from www.freesound.org/

sound 1 by daveincamas
sound 2 by Lunadrive
sound 3 by ERH


Doco in progress

What I have done with the video so far.


Editing in progress

In the process of editing the footage, which was taken at Brooklyn Central Park. Am eager to get into the music score for the video today.


Touching up the tree

Just tweaking the coding for the tree that grows on the front of the dress so that the transition is more smooth.


This is what the Lilypad looks like with all the electronic components attached.

Looking pretty.


Bracelets are done

I have completed the bracelets and since taking this footage I have painted the top and bottom black and connected them to the dress.


Getting ready for documentation

I have all the components I need to finish my dress I just have to bring these all together with some good old soldering. I have the code done and I am just needing to finish the bracelets off. I plan to film on Monday 24 Oct, just when the sun is setting.


Quiz #4 - Report

Vik Muniz is an artist who uses unlikely materials for his photographic displays. He has used such materials as sugar, chocolate syrup and even garbage to create his works. He uses these materials to create images that he draws from art history and then they are photographed and prepared for art galleries and exhibitions. He likes to challenge the viewer to really think about what they are seeing.

He is almost seen as an illusionist in the way he portrays his work but in reality he wants the viewer to think about their own beliefs and values. The materials in his works are usually found in the subjects environment and really speaks about how we use these materials in our daily lives and what influence these can really have. I believe Muniz is an artist who carefully considers the materials he uses and how he uses them, and also what kind of message do these materials relay on people and how they can help people see things in a new or different way.


Finished threading the fibres

Finally this is done and now I can concentrate on the Arduino and making the bracelets.


Threading fibre optics

I think I underestimated the effort it will take to do this, it's going to take a while but hopefully it will be worth it.


Dress making progress

This is what I have done with the dress so far, almost there!

The bracelets

After some vigorous thinking and research the rotating bracelets seems a little more complicated than i first thought so instead of the bracelet itself rotating, the LED inside can rotate to create the shadow effect i want.


Tree fading

The beginning of the coding for the tree that will slowly fade in as if its growing.


The start of a bracelet, now how to make it rotate around my wrist....

Wings + Progress

The wing-like structure I made is pretty much done, I've put the motor on the back and when triggered it release the wings out to reveal the embroidered pattern. dress is also making progress just need to sew all the different pieces together. Figuring out the mechanics of the bracelets as I type.


Embroidery finished!


Working on some code for the accelerometer to fade an LED in using the X-axis.



The Matrix

Matrix is working. Got to figure out how tot get it to do what I want...


Dress Outline

This is the look I am going for in terms of how the dress will piece together.


Fibre optics

These are some cheap fibre optics I found. These lights are something I want to use as well as some well placed LEDs.


Fade test

This is a test for a fade effect using the lilypad.

Next up I want to configure a simple matrix maybe 4x4, and hook up the accelerometer to an LED.


Let there be light!

Just some thoughts on other elements I could bring into the mix - broadening my perspective.

Have a little motor that turns a row of LEDs which can cast shadows/pre-determined silhouettes onto a surface.

Use springs to pre-load a wing-like structure which would spring open at the desired time with a trigger.

Use fibre optics for a slightly softer effect and use these in a matrix to give the story a sense of an animation.

A start at embroidery

Here is a little peak at the embroidery i have started to work on. It done using ribbon and certain threading techniques. I want to use this in my project to add to the aesthetics so that I am not just relying on lights to tell a narrative but other aspects too.



This is my lilypad which need a little cleaning up but I have it!

Things to consider

Read articles - pre-sacrifice 1 aspect of your daily routine
Schedule long work sessions - 2hours +
Predefine work session
Get calendar/use diary
To do list
5 things to apply to

>I will sacrifice TV for the rest of the semester
>I know I want to enter WOW



I would really like to have some embroidery in my project and have been researching the easiest an d best way to do this for a beginner and this site looks good for the basics.


Shapes, Patterns and Sensors

Some sketches of what shapes I may use to tell my story and how these can relate to a light sensor and accelerometer.


The K-Dress

This is a dress made by CuteCircuit for Selfridges. It is made from light silk and chiffon type material that has hundreds of LED's embedded into that can light up in various colours and patterns. I think this looks both elegant and a dress that you can have a lot of fun with and express yourself with as well.

Take a look here!


A really neat way to tell a story

This precedent below shows a unique way of letting the reader engage and interact with the story that is being told by moving through a map of where the story is taking place. There are six authors with six stories over six weeks and is brought together by Penguin books.

Check it out here!


Storytelling dress


Pop up dress that animates different scenes of a story.

A complex digital puzzle with certain physical pieces which u use to solve it. The more u think about it the more complex it becomes.

Something relating to an input creating a narrative.

An installation that creates the illusion of infinite space but is in reality just a few feet wide. Or vice versa.


Infinity Attraction

Click here to go to the Infinity website.

Ideas + Interests

I went to an attraction on the Gold Coast called Infinity, which was a maze through which you explored various rooms that had different effects and illusions in them. They use a combination of sound, electrical components, mirrors and lights to create these really neat effects. One of the best rooms was the Light Canyon environment which made you feel like you were crossing a bridge across infinite space. I think this is a really good precedent for my project as I really like exploring how you can manipulate the mind or eye to visualize specific things.

I am also interested in how we can re-configure or re-think the way stories are told or experienced. Perhaps this has something to do with being able to giving the reader a choice in the narration. How do we visualize what we read? How do words transform into visual interpretations?



I choose to do interaction design along with neuro magic.

Emergent Aesthetics



Pause Screen

I came up with a design for the pause screen that didn't quite fit the feel of the game so I redid it and it turned out great so we used it in game.


Battery bar

After the last feedback session it was brought up that the spiral around the battery bar was too distracting and covered up the bar too much so I decided to just design a simple battery bar.


Winning and losing

These are a series of designs I created for the 'you win' and 'you lose' screens.