
My Response

I believe that this article is true in the fact that remixability has taken over most of the web and in effect the world of connection. Everyone is able to feed and share information or 'blocks' to each other and rework that into new things. It seems that most works and information or data is a remix of something else and reformed to create the desired outcome. This is not only happening in music but in software and web pages where designers or 'creators' are gathering sources all over the web and combining them to show something different. This in turn can be used by others to be remixed again and so this ongoing cycle of remixing is happening. Many sources are breaking down their elements allowing you to break it down into seperate parts without even truly realising that you are remxing such as the Flickr tool where you can add notes to photos. The availability of remixing from various sources is world wide and everyone can participate and it is available to share through different digital devices as well.

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