
The M-Dress by CuteCircuit

Is that your dress ringing? The M-dress by CuteCircuit is a mobile phone dress that can answer calls with a lift of the arm.

CuteCircuit is a fashion company in London that focuses on the development of wearable technology. They use intelligent textiles and microelectronics to help create a new function for clothing that can provide personal communication. Their aim is to create ‘emotionally rich experiences’ for its users. The founders Francesca Rosella and Ryan Genz have been featured widely in the media, being on National Geographic Television and BBC World Technology. They also both hold a Master in Interaction Design from Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea. CuteCirucuit has had its products exhibited at Wired NextFest for two years in a row in NYC and LA. (Wired NextFest is an annual festival of innovative products and technologies organised by Wired, an American magazine).

The M-dress is a silk jersey dress that has a normal sim card inserted in the side tag on the inside of the dress. When you hear the dress ringing you simply answer by lifting your hand to your ear and the sensor opens the call for you. For easy functionality CuteCircuit introduced special gesture recognition software to make the user experience intuitive.

I think this is a good concept and can become something worn in the future, especially because women tend to wear clothes with tight or small pockets, or even no pockets at all to put a phone in. This often leads to missed calls and I know I’ve had this problem in the past where my phone gets buried in my bag and I can’t here incoming calls. So I think this idea will help in those kinds of situations. Also I think a range for men would be a good idea too as many business men use their mobile phones primarily to communicate so this would be an efficient way to do that, by just lifting their arm. Though not sure what happens when you get a text and where that is received or how you view that, maybe this dress is purely a phone only? . . .

CuteCircuit website: http://www.cutecircuit.com

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