
Footage slash brief for project 3

I think with the footage I have an idea to be quite literal and film things like an antique box opening up, different organic food and states of them moulding, smoky gases or steam might be easier, compost . . . blood cells or dried blood or an oozing cut. Things in everyday life that aren't pretty and have a bad feel about them and makes you feel ill. At the end there will be something to represent hope but I'm not too sure what that could be yet. . .


Greek Mythology

For more on the Greek myth of Pandora's Box visit this link:

New Idea!

My idea for project two is to retell the story of Pandora's Box, which is a myth about the first woman created by the Greek Gods and sent to earth to punish mankind for the theft of fire by Prometheus. She was gifted with all things seductive and beautiful but also was given a box or jar that Zeus had told her not to open but curiosity made her open it and out spread evil into the world, diseases, ills and burdens. But it is said that at the very bottom their lay hope so this is why mankind has hope today no matter what befalls us. 

I want to start with something small that grows and grows until it explodes and chaos erupts as evil escapes into the world and then end with something bright and hope-filled.



So I've produced some footage that I wan to use and I've uploaded and downloaded a few clips from videopong, so now I've got to find a good way to remix them together with some music as well. At least that's what I think we are supposed to be doing, though I'm sure there's some written concept we've got to do too.... hand-in is on Thursday.... all that time I have, slash not. 



I have an idea to have my Quartz composition to be made of organic forms and to move in an organic way but that is all I have at the moment on that.


Trying things out

I have been going online and fining some tutorials to get me familiar with Quartz composer and how it works.



For the credits at the beginning I want to create an effect with the transition of the words using an effect that looks like someone is writing or drawing it on while still keeping the feel of how long the club has been around with the font type. I want the background to scroll upwards to reveal more of the painting as the words come on so it gives the feel as if someone is there painting in front of you, you just can't see them... 

I have put an effect on the text of the interviewees where it looks like the text has been brushed on which I hope works out well.


In Avid I want to edit my footage so that the tutor introduces what the documentary is all about and the n gives a general background on the Art Club. During this I will have cuts to other related sequences to show what he is talking about and to make it all the more interesting. I want to carry this over to other parts of the documentary as well, and I know this is a much used convention of documentaries. For the other interviews of the students I want to group their responses together that are similar and have a smooth flow so that it is easy to understand what is happening and to become engaged in what they are saying.


I found some music I would like to use and hopefully will work well in my documentary. it will probably only be used t the beginning credits. It is open source and the license states I can copy and use it so this is the link just for documentation:


Video camera's can die on you

I had a bit of an issue with the video camera dying on me and I couldn't eject the tape because it wouldn't even charge either, but luckily when I went to inquire about this problem at the shop they changed the battery and then it worked again .... weird. 



For project three I chose to document the Wellington Art Club in Miramar, which has been around for about 100 years and houses a variety of classes. I started interviewing a few students and a tutor and also did some filming of the class at work. I took shots of the outstanding art work and you can tell a lot of time, hard work and love has gone into these paintings. They were all very fun and a pleasure to meet and talk to, and more than willing to share their experience of the Art Club with me. 

This Club is a place of peace and tranquility for its students where they are able to get lost in an illustrated world of their own creation. I really enjoyed finding out more about the Art Club and the light and friendly atmosphere of companionship.

They also gave me this book to take home with me which is awesome.


Working on the editing

I used editing tools in both Avid and After Effects and used these to try and exaggerate this spooky theme but echoing place. Most people only venture through this space during the day and is deserted at night so I have the walking through during the day to show this and even then its in eagerness to get out again. Then at night I have shown the stills and panning views of its silence yet still inhabited somehow. Exporting and importing between these two programs was a little tricky at first because I wasn't sure on a few settings but I managed to get it.

the filming process

Filming was quite fun and enjoyable. I decided to do some filming during the day and some more late at night. The effect of someone walking through the subway in a rush and not wanting to look back was easiest done without a tripod but I did get one for other more still shots in detail. It took a couple of tries to get all the footage I wanted and then that was done

Embedding for web

I am having some difficulty in embedding my quicktime movie onto the web and I have tried all I can think of but it still won't work. At least I have it working offline but it is frustrating.


Response to Language of New Media

I think this reading has some interesting parts that it talks about in raising the question of what new media is. There was a good comparison of new and old media and one thing I learnt was that new media has the potential to be kept in different versions but old media is set in place. It was quite a long reading but had some good points if you read far enough.


Subway photos


THE concept

Now my concept is on the underground subway beneath the runway of the airport which has great potential


Another lightbulb

Another idea for a site is the Wellington airport though I'm not sure what part of it and I have yet to get photos...


An idea I have for my site is the Crawford Green Park where I grew up playing in. The aesthetic and emotions I want to convey are playful and innocence where there is a sense of vulnerability but also the joy and happiness in the simple things in life. Below are some photos. Enjoy.

Project two - Site


About not crediting creative commons

Having the Creative Commons Public Domain License credited at the end of our clips was not stressed in the Cinematics blog on Mediazone therefore I did not realise we were to document that on the clip but my clips are open source material and for public use. 


We talked about this issue during presentations and in the future I will be sure to add this element in. Also in the future I think the criteria for projects will be better expressed so that students can measure up to the full criteria. 


The clip that I think is the best is this one which was my second iteration because I deliberately showed the end at the beginning to foreshadow what was to come and then my intent was to illustrate the process of getting to the ending with the green, freshness of the land turning to or being corrupted by human life.


These are my source links:



The idea I'm choosing to run with is humans corrupting the earth and destroying its beauty, so I'm going to find clips on forestation, vegetation, waste, pollution, and anything that shows the effects humans are continuing to have on the planet.


My Response

I believe that this article is true in the fact that remixability has taken over most of the web and in effect the world of connection. Everyone is able to feed and share information or 'blocks' to each other and rework that into new things. It seems that most works and information or data is a remix of something else and reformed to create the desired outcome. This is not only happening in music but in software and web pages where designers or 'creators' are gathering sources all over the web and combining them to show something different. This in turn can be used by others to be remixed again and so this ongoing cycle of remixing is happening. Many sources are breaking down their elements allowing you to break it down into seperate parts without even truly realising that you are remxing such as the Flickr tool where you can add notes to photos. The availability of remixing from various sources is world wide and everyone can participate and it is available to share through different digital devices as well.