
Tree fading

The beginning of the coding for the tree that will slowly fade in as if its growing.


The start of a bracelet, now how to make it rotate around my wrist....

Wings + Progress

The wing-like structure I made is pretty much done, I've put the motor on the back and when triggered it release the wings out to reveal the embroidered pattern. dress is also making progress just need to sew all the different pieces together. Figuring out the mechanics of the bracelets as I type.


Embroidery finished!


Working on some code for the accelerometer to fade an LED in using the X-axis.



The Matrix

Matrix is working. Got to figure out how tot get it to do what I want...


Dress Outline

This is the look I am going for in terms of how the dress will piece together.


Fibre optics

These are some cheap fibre optics I found. These lights are something I want to use as well as some well placed LEDs.


Fade test

This is a test for a fade effect using the lilypad.

Next up I want to configure a simple matrix maybe 4x4, and hook up the accelerometer to an LED.


Let there be light!

Just some thoughts on other elements I could bring into the mix - broadening my perspective.

Have a little motor that turns a row of LEDs which can cast shadows/pre-determined silhouettes onto a surface.

Use springs to pre-load a wing-like structure which would spring open at the desired time with a trigger.

Use fibre optics for a slightly softer effect and use these in a matrix to give the story a sense of an animation.

A start at embroidery

Here is a little peak at the embroidery i have started to work on. It done using ribbon and certain threading techniques. I want to use this in my project to add to the aesthetics so that I am not just relying on lights to tell a narrative but other aspects too.



This is my lilypad which need a little cleaning up but I have it!

Things to consider

Read articles - pre-sacrifice 1 aspect of your daily routine
Schedule long work sessions - 2hours +
Predefine work session
Get calendar/use diary
To do list
5 things to apply to

>I will sacrifice TV for the rest of the semester
>I know I want to enter WOW