
Doco in progress

What I have done with the video so far.


Editing in progress

In the process of editing the footage, which was taken at Brooklyn Central Park. Am eager to get into the music score for the video today.


Touching up the tree

Just tweaking the coding for the tree that grows on the front of the dress so that the transition is more smooth.


This is what the Lilypad looks like with all the electronic components attached.

Looking pretty.


Bracelets are done

I have completed the bracelets and since taking this footage I have painted the top and bottom black and connected them to the dress.


Getting ready for documentation

I have all the components I need to finish my dress I just have to bring these all together with some good old soldering. I have the code done and I am just needing to finish the bracelets off. I plan to film on Monday 24 Oct, just when the sun is setting.


Quiz #4 - Report

Vik Muniz is an artist who uses unlikely materials for his photographic displays. He has used such materials as sugar, chocolate syrup and even garbage to create his works. He uses these materials to create images that he draws from art history and then they are photographed and prepared for art galleries and exhibitions. He likes to challenge the viewer to really think about what they are seeing.

He is almost seen as an illusionist in the way he portrays his work but in reality he wants the viewer to think about their own beliefs and values. The materials in his works are usually found in the subjects environment and really speaks about how we use these materials in our daily lives and what influence these can really have. I believe Muniz is an artist who carefully considers the materials he uses and how he uses them, and also what kind of message do these materials relay on people and how they can help people see things in a new or different way.


Finished threading the fibres

Finally this is done and now I can concentrate on the Arduino and making the bracelets.


Threading fibre optics

I think I underestimated the effort it will take to do this, it's going to take a while but hopefully it will be worth it.


Dress making progress

This is what I have done with the dress so far, almost there!

The bracelets

After some vigorous thinking and research the rotating bracelets seems a little more complicated than i first thought so instead of the bracelet itself rotating, the LED inside can rotate to create the shadow effect i want.