
Finishing up with modeling

Before i attempted at UV mapping and texturing in Maya I put some more work into modeling my character to give it more a more detailed and realistic look - basically keeping things proportional.


Salamander movement


The skeletons of salamanders and newts are adapted for a primitive form of walking. The skeleton is relatively unossified with a long vertebral column. The forelimbs and hind limbs are the same size and the humerus and femur are held horizontally to the body. The animals advance their diagonally opposite feet each time the body bends.

Flower structure




Background digging

Salamander Skeleton

Some species of salamanders have lost key elements of the skeleton during their evolution. For example, species within the salamander family Sirenidae have lost their limbs, and are eel-like in appearance. Remarkably, the numbers and shapes of limb bones are not necessarily the same within some salamander species, as is the case of the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) of North America. Within the same population, individuals of this species can have varying numbers of limb bones, and these structures can vary significantly in size, shape, and degree of calcification.

Salamanders have a protrusile tongue, used for feeding and sensory purposes. Many species are very brightly colored, usually to warn predators of the poisonous nature of the skin of these animals. Some salamanders secrete a chemical known as tetrodotoxin from their skin glands This is one of the most poisonous substances known, and it can easily kill predators that are intolerant of the chemical, as most are.



Sketching intiated


Salamandor lives in an overpopulated swamp deep in the forest. The competition for food is fierce and being the only salamander here he has had to undergo a drastic evolutionary change to survive. Salamandor has grown a carnivorous-like flower on its back which uses its bright colouring to attract food that gets absorbed through this flower and into the stomache. This explains why its snout is so small, because it has no need of a mouth when food comes straight through the flower. The flower also creates great camouflage for the salamander as there are many others like it around the swamp surface and surrounding area, so it is easier to hide from predators.